


At PLS, we've put in place the programs and processes that ensure that not only is the end product flawless, but that the process by which we arrive there runs smoothly and efficiently. To that end, the first step we take after the awarding of the contract is to set up a pre-construction meeting at which all parties involved in the project are represented.

The purpose? To identify roles and responsibilities and to establish lines of communication that will facilitate product development from beginning to end. Topics of discussion during this meeting include a review of the site and plans, discussion of the job specs, roles and responsibilities, a review of safety and quality assurance procedures, clarification of any inconsistencies between the project specifications and the our proprietary CQC (Construction Quality Control) program and lastly, identification of testing requirements.

PLS Construction utilizes both the IAGI (International Association of Geosynthetic Installers) and site specific CQC to ensure that the highest standards of quality are exceeded at each step of the process and installation. Our CQC program relies on such industry standard tests as:

  • Non-Destructive Testing
  • Destructive Testing
  • Testing Records

Non-Destructive Testing


PLS CQC requires that all welded seams be tested non-destructively. For HDPE applications, all wedge-welded seams are tested using the air pressure testing method. Extrusion welds are tested utilizing either vacuum testing or spark testing. For reinforced geomembranes, we perform either air lance or vacuum testing.

Destructive Testing


Certain projects, due to PLS CQC procedures, require destructive testing, which involves the strength and bonding testing of random samples taken from site welds. This type of testing measures seam strength and bonding efficiency. While only certain projects demand destructive testing, all projects must undergo a pre-weld test prior to any site welding. This test is performed on trial welds under job site conditions in order to determine and verify seaming conditions, welding equipment functionality and technician proficiency.

Testing Records

Upon completion of testing, a Certificate of Acceptance/Completion Certificate is reviewed and approved by the client. All documentation is provided via a PLS post-job pack.


PLS Construction, Inc.
3851 Ellsworth Street
Gary, IN 46408

Phone: 302-250-6908


“PLS has one of the most experienced management teams in the business.”


“Getting records from a company can be like pulling teeth. Not with PLS. When a job of ours required safety records in a hurry, PLS had them to us in less than 24 hours. The job was done by the time most companies would have returned my phone call.”


“We want to be certain that our liner contractors have a professional crew and we're very pleased with PLS. Their personnel are well-trained and most importantly, know how to work quickly, efficiently and safely.”

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